Einstein’s Dreams
“Because people in this dream world perceive that being in motion "buys" them time, they must constantly be in motion. But this constant motion has the strange effect of isolating people from one another and causes them to grow resentful.”
May 22nd 1905
The world is constantly working and in motion to portray in an abstractive way with particles portraying everyone as a light that is constantly moving and eventually I’ll have the lights start to break away from each other until there is only one light to help portray this month’s story. This was made to showcase the idea of daily lives and routine and the constant cycle of time. It was done to showcase this feeling of repeated motion like life is on repeat.
These were made before the project started to show what I was thinking for this project.
Houdini was used to add more to this scene than simple particles floating in space, this was done to create a nebula like effect to add more depth to the sequence. On the right is one example of a nebula I created in full scale.
Color Correction
Color choice changed as this project went on, because I was trying to make it feel mor elegant and grand. I went from a very light blue which I originally felt it fit to a gold yellow.